Thursday, January 14, 2010

[資訊] 美國留學申請流程 Part II 線上申請


Jia-Bin Huang

Latest Updated on Jan. 19, 2010

Part II Online Application Procedure


Section 1. 申請系統介面分析及問題解決



MIT EECS申請系統較特別的地方是其寄送推薦信Request的方式,首先在系統中填入推薦人的資料,繳錢寄出申請之後,系統並非直接寄Request Mail給推薦人,而是會寄三封標題為Instructions for letter of recommendation for YOUR NAME的信件,請你分別將每封信轉寄給三位老師,裡頭有連結可以供推薦人上傳推薦信。

Berkeley的推薦信系統主要在第二階段的申請(見Section II),submit申請之後過幾天會收到指示


向公司租借介面中常見的系統有 Embark, Applyyourself ApplyTexas, Applyweb四間以下說明各家的系統和各學校的注意事項



資料上傳:系統裡有提供你上傳SOP、Resume、Writing Sample和Unofficial Transcript 的地方,所有你上傳的檔案,從各學校的申請系統都看的到(因為是同一個帳號),所以在命名文件的時候要小心,不要把各學校的SOP搞混了。

推薦信管理:當你填完部分的申請基本資料之後,你便可以到Recommendations這個分頁進行註冊推薦人的動作,每當你註冊完一位推薦人時系統便會根據你填的推薦人E-Mail發Request Mail給你的推薦人,當推薦人由他所收到的Request Mail中的帳號密碼上傳他的推薦信之後,系統便會自動發通知信給你,你也可以到Embark系統中查看推薦信的狀態Submitted(推薦人已寄出推薦信)或是Received(推薦人寄出推薦信且學校承認收到)

例外:Cornell U是Submit完Application之後才會寄Mail給推薦人(因為Cornell U大部分科系使用另一種推薦信管理系統),當你submit你的申請資料之後,系統隔一天便會寄發Request Mail給推薦人(而且會發E-Mail通知你系統已經寄發),之後要追查推薦信狀態可以到查詢網頁,同樣用Embark的帳號密碼即可登入。

推薦人收不到Request Mail,有幾種可能狀況

1. 推薦人不小心把信件刪除:你可以直接在Embark系統上做重發的動作(勾選推薦人的名字,按Resend)。

2. 推薦人信箱擋信:請推薦人加入notification@embark.com到通訊錄中,再Resend一次

3. 推薦人收不到且Deadline將近:寫信給Embark Support Center,提供你的基本資料和推薦人資料,處理時間約為1-2天

4. 還是都收不到:請推薦人提供其他比較不容易擋信的信箱(e.g. G-Mail),再Resend一次

Submit Application之前,Embark系統會將你所填入的所有資料和文件整理成一份pdf檔,付錢上傳之前要再三確認自己的資料有沒有打錯或是超出字數被系統切掉(填住址時常會發生)


推薦信管理:Applyyourself的推薦信系統和Embark相同,都是填完推薦人的資料後系統會自動寄出Request Mail給推薦人,若推薦人向你反應沒有收到信,你可以在註冊推薦人的網頁裡按Resend鍵,如果發生擋信的情況,則請你的推薦人加入support@ApplyYourself.com到他的通訊錄中

Downloadable Form:這個分頁會提供PDF供申請者下載,列印填好之後寄紙本到學校,常
見的Downloadable Form有

1) Recommendation Form
照學校規定的方式寄送,以下是Stanford U對於推薦信的描述

You must provide three letters and evaluations from faculty or others qualified to evaluate your potential for graduate study. At least one evaluation and letter should be from a faculty member at the last school you attended as a full-time student (unless you have been out of school for more
than five years). Substitutions for faculty recommendations may include work associates or others who can comment on your academic potential for graduate work.

Download the recommendation form ONLY if a recommender will not be submitting the letter and evaluation online. DO NOT send the downloaded form to a recommender if he or she will be using the online recommendation system. After downloading and printing the form, fill in the following information on the page:

Your name.
Department to which you are applying.
Degree objective and term to which you are applying.
Indicate at the bottom of the page whether you are waiving your right to see
the recommendation.
Recommenders must submit this form in addition to a letter of recommendation.

Recommenders should seal their letters in letterhead envelopes if possible, sign across the seal, and mail them directly to the department. Be sure to provide your recommenders with the department address and inform them of the deadline.

2.Declaration & Certification of Finances

有些學校為了要加速發I-20 or DS-2019(申請F-1或J-1 Visa必備的東西)表格給你,有時
會請你在申請前就寄發財力證明給學校,以下是UIUC對於Declaration & Certification
of Finances的描述

In order for the Certificate of Visa Eligibility (Form I-20 or DS-2019) to be issued, it is necessary to submit complete and accurate information regarding your sources of financial support. The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign requires this information in compliance with regulations set forth by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) for all
students planning to enter the United States under its auspices. You are required to submit current evidence that you will have at least as much money as is described below for the entire length of time you plan to study on this campus. Financial documents in any language other than English must be accompanied by an official English translation of each document. Financial support must be liquid assets such as savings or checking accounts.
Investment accounts are not acceptable.

The USCIS requires that you present evidence of sufficient funds for living expenses during the summer months, whether or not you intend to enroll in summer courses. This requires that you certify your summer funding to show that you will not be dependent upon summer employment.
Authorization to work during the summer is seldom granted. Also, approval to work off-campus during the academic year is granted only under extraordinary circumstances. Consequently, you should not include employment, either part-time or full-time, during the academic year or summer months as an expected source of income.

The current estimated cost of study at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is described below. Consulate officials frequently require the evidence of financial resources we are requesting you to present before a visa is granted. We, therefore, recommend that you make and maintain for your personal use copies of all documents submitted. We do not return or provide
you with copies of these documents.


註冊:產生新的帳號之後,此後用此組帳號密碼便可以申請在德州的學校(e.g. UTAustin, TAMU)

推薦信管理:在系統裡頭填入推薦人的基本資料,當你submit你的申請之後,系統才會寄request mail給你的推薦人(因此不要選在deadline前才寄出你的申請,要預留時間給推薦人上傳他們的推荐信)

Educational Experience from the Beginning to the Present
(Credit: PTT ID singchi)

Year Year Year Age Class Level Type of School Certificates,
in schoolor(from)(thru) Degrees Earned
1st 1988 1989 7 1grade primary
2nd 1989 1990 8 2grade primary
3rd 1990 1991 9 3grade primary
4th 1991 1992 10 4grade primary
5th 1992 1993 11 5grade primary
6th 1993 1994 12 6grade primary Diploma
7th 1994 1995 13 7grade secondary(或 Jr. H. Sch.)
8th 1995 1996 14 8grade secondary
9th 1996 1997 15 9grade secondary Diploma
10th 1997 1998 16 10grade secondary(或Sr. H. Sch.)
11th 1998 1999 17 11grade secondary
12th 1999 2000 18 12grade secondary Diploma
13th 2000 2001 19 Freshman University(或Undergrad.)
14th 2001 2002 20 Sophomore University
15th 2002 2003 21 Junior University
16th 2003 2004 22 Senior University Bachelor
17th 2004 2005 23 1grade Graduate
18th 2005 2006 24 2grade Graduate Master

Georgia Tech所使用的線上申請系統,註冊和填表方式大同小異

推薦信管理:submit申請之後系統才會寄發Request Mail給推薦人,之後你可以到查詢網站

Section 2. 二階段申請


U Maryland


在ASF中你可以進行確認你的個人資料、上傳SOP or PS、管理推薦信、提供更多有關於你申請的資料(e.g. Writing Sample、Resume, etc.),這個網頁還提供了另一個重要的功能:Check Application Status,在這裡你可以確定你所寄發的成績單、GRE和TOEFL學校是否順利收到。

U Wisconsin-Madison CS

Wisconsin CS的第二階段需在你submit Graduate School Application Form之後,再到CS department註冊(要用你申請時的E-Mail)

註冊完之後你便可以從信箱收到Wisconsin CS寄來的密碼,用此帳號密碼,進行第二階段的申請

在這個網頁裡頭你可以查看你申請的各項資料學校是不是收到了,推薦信也是由此處做管理,這邊也提供你上傳其他相關資料的地方(Writing Sample、resume等等)

UC Berkeley EECS

Berkeley的第二階段申請比較不一樣,完成第一階段的線上申請之後,系統會寄信給你,信裡頭包含帳號密碼,你可以用這組帳號密碼來進行第二階段,推薦人的聯絡資訊在這個階段填寫,同時你可以提供resume、網頁的link (注意此處不是用上傳的方式,而是提供連結,所以你要有網路空間放你的一些資料)


Although you may have already submitted the following information on the online application, our department REQUIRES you to confirm it before your recommenders are contacted:

* contact information for your three (3) recommenders
* your waiver option for each letter

You may also provide us with URLs for the following (check the department's website to see if these materials are desired and will be reviewed):

* electronic version of your CV/Resume
* your website
* any submitted, in-press, or in-prep papers mentioned in your application or
relevant materials you would like us to consider

You may use up to 5 URLs to supply us with this information.

If you fail to provide the required information listed above, your application will be incomplete and it will not be processed.



經由applyyourself寄發你的申請之後,過兩天你便可以到二階段申請網站(用你申請時候帳號和生日即可登入)進行第二階段,在這邊主要要填入你的Research Area Preference和Faculty Interest,
也可以查詢相關的資料(GRE、TOEFL、Official Transcript)有沒有確實收到。

Stanford EE

Stanford EE檢查status的方式,是到這個查詢網頁填入你的E-Mail
約莫20分鐘之後,系統會寄發Application Status Update的信到你的信箱,從裡頭你可以上傳SOP和Unofficial Transcript


1. 這裡的SOP是唯一會被review的版本,可以和之前在applyyourself上傳的版本不一樣)

2. Stanford EE要求SOP的字數要小於 4000 characters (跟你在applyyourself的規定不一樣)


UT Austin ECE

經由ApplyTexas寄發申請之後,過幾天會收到含有UT EID的信件,有了UT EID,你便可以

2. 完成ECE的第二階段申請


1. Biographical Information
2. Academic Intent
3. Education
4. Resume
5. Courses
6. GRE and TOEFL Scores
7. Personal Highlight
8. Publications
9. Work Experience
10.Outside Employment



有了UIN,請到Applicant Information System (AIS)用UIN來申請NetID和密碼,用此NetID和密碼便可以經由AIS來查詢你的申請進度,如果你申請CS的話,則須由此二階段申請網站來完成第二階段的申請。

注意申請CS的推荐信須由https://apply2.cs.tamu.edu寄發Request Mail,而不是由applytexas或是

Section 3. 申請過程完成等待結果


1. 檢查你/妳的信箱是否收到校方方面關於你/妳申請完成的確認信(如有二階段申請則應有系所)

2. 根據每個學校的不同系統去追蹤推薦人是否已經寄發推薦信

3. 書面資料:成績單/財力證明以及ETS寄送的GRE及TOEFL成績單是否抵達該申請學校,校方在申請季節時往往要處理相當大量的資料,所以網路上的更新速度往往不會很即時,若你/妳覺得不放心,可以寫信給系上詢問,不過秘書往往因為太過於忙碌,能得到正面回覆的機會不大,提供詳細的申請資訊可以幫助他快速地從大量資料中定位你的文件,例如:查詢成績單是否送達時,提供你是何時從何地藉由甚麼方式寄送,而GRE和TOEFL則可提供你的考試日期編號和向ETS提出發送成績單的日期。

