Two weeks a ago, I gave a talk on visual saliency detection on the International Conference on Pattern Recognition in Tsukuba, Japan. This is my very first work in graduate school. In this work, we provide explicit connection among various existing bottom-up saliency detection algorithms. Therefore, through a unified perspective, one can better understand what the quantities defined in many works really mean.
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Saliency Detection via Divergence Analysis
Two weeks a ago, I gave a talk on visual saliency detection on the International Conference on Pattern Recognition in Tsukuba, Japan. This is my very first work in graduate school. In this work, we provide explicit connection among various existing bottom-up saliency detection algorithms. Therefore, through a unified perspective, one can better understand what the quantities defined in many works really mean.
Monday, November 26, 2012
The most important qualities for success in graduate school by Prof. Bill Freeman
Here is the link to the slide [PDF].
Monday, November 19, 2012
Website Collection for Nerds
1. Research in progress:
2. The PhD Comic:
3. xkcd:
4. Abstruse Goose:
3D Computer Vision: Past, Present, and Future by Prof. Steve Seitz
This is a tutorial talk given by Prof. Steve Seitz, a professor at the University of Washington. He gave a excellent overview of the history of 3D computer vision technology. It is very interesting to see how these ideas were developed and evolve over time. (I am especially amazed by the early attempt of building a "stereo machine" back in 1957.)
The slides of this talk is also available online in his website.
Computer Vision
How to Speak: Lecture Tips from Patrick Winston
One seminar notification from CSAIL at MIT caught my attention today. The talk title is "How to Speak?". This coming event is on 11:00 AM tomorrow at MIT. Unfortunately, I could not attend the talk in person. Therefore, I searched the internet and found a video of the previous version of the talk. Though not containing the latest materials, I found the talk pretty informative and useful. Here I share this resource with you.
Note: The video clips on YouTube were not organized such that I need to manually select the next clip in order to proceed. Thus, I made a playlist with right order. (See the video below.) Or, you could watch the whole video from the Harvard Bok Center.
Professor Patrick Winston of MIT outlines a structure for how to give an effective lecture, illustrating the ideas by using them himself. He covers how to start a lecture, cycling in on the material, using verbal punctuation to indicate transitions, describing "near misses" that strengthen the intended concept, and asking questions. He also discusses use of the blackboard, overhead projections, props, as well as "how to stop."
How to Read Academic Papers?
Reading academic papers is one of the most important skills for doing research. Many students find difficulty in reading academic papers efficiently and effectively. During my undergrad years, I used to read papers in a very inefficient manner and often end up with wasting my time reading irrelevant or low-quality papers. However, during the past few years, I have gradually learned how to read papers in a better way. I feel that the knowledge and experience will be beneficial to junior students. Thus, I summarized my thoughts and advises from others in the following slides, presented visually.
View more presentations from Jia-Bin Huang
Other excellent resources on this topic:
- How to read a paper by S. Kesha
- How to Read a Scientific Paper by John W. Little and Roy Parker
- Efficient Reading of Papers in Science and Technology by Michael J. Hanson
- How to read a research paper by Michael Mitzenmacher
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